All About Pro Deo Care

The Pro Deo Care Group is a non-profit organisation that takes care of the elderly, disabled, and cancer sufferers on the South Coast of KZN. We are non-denominational and voluntary.

Our pivotal focus is on ensuring that the vulnerable members in our community experience quality lives based on integrity, health, wellness, and purpose. We do this by:

  • Presenting monthly wellness and pamper clinics that focus on health and socialisation.
  • Facilitating social home visits to alleviate loneliness and to make the elderly feel valued and wanted.
  • Providing transport for those who cannot get to shops or medical facilities.
  • Offering cleaning services to disabled and frail clients.
  • Supplying supportive equipment and adult nappies to maintain independence and dignity.
  • Supporting weekly cancer clinics and offering home-based care to promote compassion and caring.

As a non-profit, we are 100% responsible for our own fundraising and receive no financial support from any government institution. It’s simply impossible to provide and sustain these services without the goodwill of individuals and businesses. Apart from ad hoc donations, Pro Deo also relies on funds generated through initiatives like our annual golf day and cycle tour, care club memberships, special promotions, and bequests.

The recruitment of volunteers is one of our biggest challenges and an ongoing focus of all our members. Every small commitment from one individual can make a big difference in the lives of the aged, frail, and the sick.

2 thoughts on “All About Pro Deo Care

  1. Ann Richards Reply

    I am so impressed with your work and also the wonderful attitude of your volunteers.
    I would love to be a part of your organisation !

    • Eloise_VanNiekerk Post authorReply

      Good Day Ann,

      Kindly send us your contact details, it is a true blessing to have more hands on deck!

      Have a lovely day further, Regards Carodene

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