It was with gratitude and joy that we met face-to-face for our AGM on 23 June 2022 after a two-year hiatus caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic. This organisation takes pride in the fact that 85% of its member – both old and new – attended this meeting.
We celebrated our achievements, which included successful NPO registration, the growing success of the wellness clinics, community outreaches with our home visits, and the care extended as part of the home-based care programme. We also welcomed a new management committee with a fresh chairperson, Koos Groenewald, at the helm.
A motion was tabled to keep the outgoing chairperson as the ‘face’ and spokesperson of the Pro Deo Care Group. However, the outgoing chair opposed this motion because it’s essential that all members:
- Be seen as the ‘face’ of the organisation – living examples of the vision, mission, and values of Pro Deo.
- Act as leaders in the communities they serve and fully embrace their chosen and elected positions.
- Strive to grow the organisation through advocacy of our services and the need for financial support on an ongoing basis.
The question for all of us is how to leave a legacy as a committed leader, volunteer and the voice for the aged and frail community members who cannot speak for themselves.