The Pro Deo Care Group Wellness Clinics

Pro Deo Care Group is kindly asking that you HELP them to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the lives of our over 60’s at their monthly Wellness Clinics, by gifting a contribution towards the cost of running these Clinics.

Every first Thursday of the month, a Pro Deo Care Group Wellness Clinic is held in Margate, Port Shepstone and Port Edward. These clinics are aimed at all over 60’s and include wellness and social aspects – which are much needed in the Lower South Coast Community.

We focus on pampering for Hair, Hand and Feet Care. Not to mention Health Education and check-ups (like blood pressure and blood sugar testing). There is also social networking, refreshments, surprise goodies and birthday celebrations. Most of these elderly folk enjoy the outing tremendously and this helps to lift their spirits.

Yes, we have been funding these clinics up until now, but find that due to popularity the numbers attending are growing very fast! And with the growth, the cost is increasing tremendously.
We are asking the community to help contribute and truly make a difference.

Below are actual costs of each clinic, and as one can see, it adds up to a sizable total:

  1. The Foot-workers are paid a daily rate of R200 each (and each branch has between 5-7 workers for the day – making an average of R1200 per branch)
  2. Feet Care Necessities: Scrubs, Savlon, Aqueous Cream, etc. . . . (at about R150 per branch for the day)
  3. Nail Care Necessities: Nail Polish, Nail Files, Nail Polish Remover, Cream and Cotton (at about R200 per branch for the day)
  4. Medical Equipment: Glucose Sticks, Alcohol Swobs, Batteries (for Glucose & BP Machines), Medical Gloves, etc. . . . (at about R400 per branch for the day)
  5. Snacks, Tea, Coffee, Juice (at about R300 per branch for the day)
  6. Hairdressers: a few do get paid per day at a rate of R200 each
  7. Laundry: Cleaning of all Table Cloths, Drying Cloths, Towels, etc. . . . (at about R500 per branch for the day)
  8. Fuel: Some who attend need to be fetched and taken back home (as they do not always have friends and family around).

Add up Items 1-7, and that makes a minimum cost per clinic of R2950 (without Item 8, fuel). So, as you can see, there are quite a few expenses and we truly do want to continue blessing the lives of our over 60’s. Sometimes these are the only monthly outings that they participate in!

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to find out more.

Please Feel Free To Contact Us:
Lucia Groenewald: ☎️ 082 322 7467

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